Committees - Netpublicator Docs
Perform paper-free meetings with ease and simplicity with Netpublicator Docs.
The meeting attendants gain access to the documents of the meeting electronically through portable reading devices, smart phones, and computers. The meetings and the content of the meetings are easily managed through a web portal and changes can be performed instantly. The meeting and the content of the meeting can also be managed from other systems, e.g. case management system, through integration with the Netpublicator Docs API.
Quick, easy, and cost efficient!
Intuitive platform
The platform is intuitive and easy to operate. New meetings can be published instantly and the users receive the content of the meetings instantly. Several functions are included to achieve flexible, safe, and efficient use:
- Synchronization - content is updated automatically and instantly when changed by an administrator
- Reading help - keep track on the remaining content to read
- Tab navigation - toggle between different content simple and swiftly
- Offline - work in an offline mode without internet-access
- Safety - vast possibilities to manage access permissions to achieve maximal security
- Safety - various possibilities for two-factor-authentication
- Safety - strong and unique solutions for encryption
- And much more
For whom
The system is frequently used in politics in many municipalities and county councils, in unions and associations, agencies, and also in the business world, e.g. in boards. Several of our customers are amongst the biggest organisations in Sweden.
All organisations, big as small, have in common that they manage sensitive content which places great importance on high security, accessibility, and continuous development of the system.
Netpublicator Docs is by far the dominating system for paper-free meetings in Sweden. The system is also used in other nordic countries for paper-free meetings.
Please contact us for more information.
The platforms provide support for abiding the privacy protection lawSeveral of our customers have a need to abide the privacy protection law. Therefor information can be classified to follow the privacy protection law which prohibits the possibility the save and re-distribute the information. Information classified as under the privacy protection law are automatically inaccessible and can never be shown with the public access feature on your homepage.
The platforms include support for secrecySeveral of our customers have a need to guarantee secrecy. Information uploaded to Netpublicator Docs can be classified as secret which only allows access of the information from secure platform environments, e.g. a secret file can not be opened in a web browser or emailed or shared. The access of classified information can also be further controlled though two-factor authentication. The platforms offers great possibilities to control in detail which permissions that the user has for a file and on which platforms that the file can be opened. The strictest setting only allows access to the information when logged in and thus eliminating local storage of the file. The different needs for secrecy amongst our customers varies from cases of a social service center to board documents of a bank.
The platforms includes two-factor authenticationSeveral of out customers have needs to further validate the identity of a user for access of information. The platforms therefor include two-factor authentication were the identity of the user is confirmed with a code sent as a text message when the user accesses sensitive information. The validity expiration time of the code can be set individually for a customer. The inactivity timeout period of the authenticated session can be set individually for each customer. The authenticated session can also be terminated from the application by the user.
The platforms use encryption for protection of informationThe stored and used information is encrypted with state-of-the-art algorithms on Netpublicators servers in order to protect the information.