Netpublicator Docs
A concept for digital distribution of documents
Netpublicator Elected
A smart register over elected representatives, matchingtodays and tomorrows needs

Electronic signatures
Sign documents digitally with Netpublicator SignDigital bulletin board
Publish notices to the publicNETPUBLICATOR DOCS
A concept for the digital distribution of documents to tablets, computers and phones
The meeting attendants gain access to the documents of the meeting electronically through portable reading devices, smart phones, and computers. The meetings and the content of the meetings are easily managed through a web portal and changes can be performed instantly.
We all know the implications of making the right decision at the right time. The Netpublicator platforms will help you get well-prepared for the meeting and important decisions. The documents of the meeting can be updated and provided to the participants of the meeting instantly.
Netpublicator is provided across a wide range of platforms to provide easy access for its users.
- iPad & iPhone
- Android
- Windows
- On the web
Several of our customers have a need to abide the privacy protection law or handle sensitive information.
Read more on how we create a safe environment to store data and authenticate users.